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Tickets for the derby on August 11-12, 2007
Should be available after July 1st 2007

There should be up to 375 tickets available for an expected $60 CAD each, and will include: A Commemorative T-Shirt & Hat, Entry into the derby, the Awards Ceremony, and of course the Bite Me! BBQ.
A limited number of additional Ceremony/BBQ tickets can be purchased at $10 cdn. each in advance for your spouses, kids, or friends, if you wish to bring them along.
There will be a maximum of 375 participants in this years' derby.

And Remember thanks to our sponsors, no one walks away empty handed!*

*The $10 Ceremony/BBQ tickets do not on their own entitle the bearer(s) to any prizes at the Award Ceremony.

Click Here for more Ticket Details.

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